This cat stumbles upon a balloon tethered to a string and becomes utterly captivated by it.
According to his owner, Loki is a cat who can fall in love with anything and everything. In a video that went viral on TikTok, this feline set his sights on a rather surprising object, a balloon in this case. Since then, the animal has spent hours having fun with it.

A cat has fallen madly in love with a balloon, giving rise to a scene that is both funny and touching. The video, posted on TikTok on March 17 and relayed by Newsweek , went viral, totaling 3.9 million views on the social network.
The author of the sequence and owner of the feline in question indicates in the caption that the latter, responding to the name Loki , is a “ cat who falls in love with everything ”.
According to the text accompanying the video, Loki loved the ball so much the first time he saw it that he dragged it by the rope to the mirror to admire his reflection alongside the object. .
That day, the tabby cat featured on the TikTok account “ @lokidoestricks ” spent hours playing with his new toy and carrying it throughout the rooms of the house. His mistress explains that she tied the balloon to a rope rather than a string to prevent Loki from “ accidentally strangling himself ”.
“The cutest thing ever”
The video sparked thousands of comments left by touched Internet users, such as @cchhrriissllyynn for whom “ cats carrying things in their tiny mouths are the cutest thing ever ”, before adding that they had “ tears in their eyes”. eyes “. For his part, @Shelby asks if Loki “ recognizes himself in the mirror ”. A question that many specialists have looked into, with most agreeing to answer it in the negative. Based on observation of their behavior in this type of situation, cats give the impression of thinking that they are facing a fellow creature.
The ball scene shows that Loki is a creature full of gentleness and affection, but this tabby cat is also capable of getting into mischief sometimes. This is what this other video proves where he worked on a roll of toilet paper: